• Veteran Fortune 100 HR Executive
  • 25+ Years' Experience (National/International)
  • MS: HR Development (Villanova)
  • Former News Anchor/Talk-Show Host
  • Numerous Civic Contributions & Awards
  • Diversity & Inclusion Realist

"Diversity & Inclusion isn't just about respect and camaraderie.
It's about attracting and developing high-potential talent
to achieve bottom-line results!"

Who Can Benefit?

Senior Leaders
In today’s world, our senior leaders are facing increasing challenges from within and without, when it comes to crucial diversity and inclusion issues. And this is especially true for smaller- to mid- size organizations, in which staffing a highly-experienced, well-credentialed HR professional may not be feasible. As a senior leader, you can take action to avoid unnecessary risks and gain vital D&I advantages in a cost-effective, time-efficient way, by making Bj a “virtual” member of your team! Consulting with Bj on a regular or “as needed” basis can help you protect yourself against the myriad legal and ethical issues that can arise when even the best-intentioned leaders simply don’t have the right information.

Never is it more important (or effective!) to address critical D&I issues than when an organization is in its earliest days. And that’s often the time when an organization can least afford to staff a seasoned HR professional. Bj can work with the key personnel managing these “early days” HR issues to create and implement smart, proactive policies, processes and procedures – while creating a truly diverse, inclusive organizational culture where everyone feels welcome and respected.

Diverse Talent
Often, the most promising, “high-potential” team members are not the most equipped to recognize, address and overcome common obstacles to success – especially in our mainstream organizations. Bj can tailor a personalized intervention (or set of interventions) to leverage an individual team members’ strengths and help that team member maximize both personal success and professional contribution.

Contact Bj Glover today to arrange an initial, exploratory consultation.